vineri, 14 februarie 2020

Orange Romania - raportari 2019

Orange România a realizat o cifră de afaceri în valoare de 299 milioane de euro, în intervalul octombrie-decembrie, în creştere cu 2,4% faţă de aceeaşi perioadă a anului trecut. Cifra de afaceri totală pentru 2019 este de 1.112 miliarde de euro, a anunţat, ieri, compania.
La 31 decembrie 2019, Orange România oferea servicii mobile, fixe şi TV pentru 10.941.000 de clienţi, în creştere cu 1,7% comparativ cu finalul T4 2018.
Potrivit datelor companiei, la finalul lunii decembrie, serviciul de televiziune prin cablu şi satelit, Orange Home TV, număra peste 540.000 clienţi, în creştere cu 7% faţă de T4 2018, iar serviciile fixe în bandă largă aveau 352.000 de clienţi, în creştere cu 23% faţă de aceeaşi perioadă din 2018.
În 2019, Orange a continuat investiţiile în infrastructură, oferind acces la conectivitate 4G pentru încă 271.000 de locuitori din 545 de localităţi nou acoperite, a transmis operatorul de telecomunicaţii. Totodată, în 2019 Orange şi-a extins prezenţa 4G+ în peste 1800 de noi localităţi şi în 54 de oraşe. La finalul anului 2019, reţeaua 4G Orange acoperea 98,13% din populaţia ţării şi 100% din cea urbană. 
Apetitul clienţilor pentru date mobile a generat, potrivit datelor companiei, o creştere a consumului de 37% în anul 2019 comparativ cu 2018.
În luna noiembrie 2019, Orange a lansat reţeaua comercială Orange 5G, fiind prima ţară din Grupul Orange în care se lansează servicii 5G. Astfel, la finalul anului 2019 reţeaua 5G cuprindea Bucureşti, Cluj-Napoca şi Iaşi, oraşe în care clienţii se pot bucura de cea mai mare viteză 5G, de până la 1.2Gbps la download şi viteze medii de 600 Mbps, o experienţă similară celei oferite de serviciul de internet prin fibră optică.
În 2019, pe baza măsurătorilor realizate de auditorul extern Systemics PAB, Orange a primit recunoaşterea de "Cea mai bună reţea mobilă din România". Totodată, auditorul LCC a certificat serviciile Orange de voce şi date mobile pentru cele mai bune performanţe, atât în zonele metropolitane, cât şi în cele rurale din România.  

marți, 4 februarie 2020

Here is the fastest recharge method for the Telekom card

Nowadays, you can no longer imagine your life without a telephone. This device has become indispensable for everyone, but not only as a gadget, but also for its functions.
If your phone is charged, you have access to the internet, you can talk to your loved ones and time passes faster. But what do you do when your credit expires? Especially if it happens at an inopportune time, you need a simple, fast and efficient solution with which you can recharge your Telekom card.

Regardless of why you urgently need such a recharge, you should go to the services offered by This site is the place where you can quickly recharge your credit, regardless of the network you belong to.

Many people choose to carry out a recharge for the Telekom card through the platform represented by thanks to the services offered. If you choose to do the same, you will enjoy accessibility, safety, convenience, speed, as well as great prices!

It is also extremely easy to top-up your Telekom card for someone else. Thus, if you have older relatives, if you live far away from them, it only takes two minutes to help them when they are left without credit. You can help them with a recharge from you at home. It is very convenient and simple!

How does it work?

The simplest option for recharging the card does not take more than 2 minutes. All you have to do is fill in the phone number, enter the desired amount and enjoy minutes, sms and mobile data.
All you need is a smartphone, a laptop or a computer to benefit from an internet connection. All data you enter will be encrypted and used exclusively to complete the transaction and provide the necessary data.

What are the benefits of Telekom subscribers?

The Telekom card recharge topup services allow you to supply any amount you want, starting from 3 euros up to 100 euros per transaction.
At the same time, you will enjoy impressive bonuses! For the first recharge of over € 5, you receive 1GB bonus data traffic, valid for 30 days. At the second recharge made online, over 5 €, you receive 2GB. This bonus, subject to the initial conditions, will be granted on each recharge of the Telekom card.

The bonus also applies to Internet Card users, who will also benefit from national data traffic, valid for 30 days.

There is another bonus for Telekom card users, but not for those who own the Internet card. It consists of 50 minutes and 50 sms in the Telekom Romania networks, represented by Telekom Romania Mobile Communications S.A. and the Telekom Romania Communications S.A. network

Enter the website, choose the option of recharging topup the Telekom card and in only 2 minutes you will solve the problem. In addition, on you can also make recharges for those in the Orange or Vodafone networks. Enjoy the efficiency and simplicity of the recharge service right from your home!

luni, 3 februarie 2020

Find out what loyalty bonuses you receive for each Vodafone card reload online

If you choose to recharge your Vodafone card through the online service, you can take advantage of countless bonuses, which are more advantageous, offered directly by the telephone operator.
The recharge process has been simplified and streamlined to the maximum. You can recharge your credit from anywhere, at any time, as long as you have Internet access. All you have to do is enter the phone number, the desired amount and wait for the confirmation message to be successful.
Besides the fact that a Vodafone card reload through can be done in two steps, you also have bonuses that increase month by month, offered by those from Vodafone.

There are four types of vouchers you receive when you recharge a Vodafone card. Bonuses are offered based on the loyalty group you are a part of - in other words, Vodafone rewards you, at regular intervals, for choosing to stay with them.

The loyalty groups are Prepaid Silver, Prepaid Gold, Prepaid Platinum and Prepaid Titanium. Find out more about these!

Prepaid Silver - This is one of the two loyalty groups you can join, between the first three and twelve months of collaboration with those from Vodafone (the other group being Prepaid Gold). It comes with 500 MB (2 x 250MB) and 100 minutes and national SMS (2 x 50).

Prepaid Gold - Depending on the age of the network, as well as the value of the credit you chose when you made a Vodafone card reload, you have the opportunity to benefit from Prepaid Gold benefits for a long time, from 3 months. at 10 years. Bonuses in this group include 1,000 MB (2 x 500 MB) and 200 national minutes, as well as SMS (2 x 100).

Prepaid Platinum - This group is for those who have been with Vodafone for at least 1 year and at most 15. If you fall into this category, you will benefit from 1,500 MB (2 x 750 MB) and 400 minutes and national SMS (2 x 200).
Prepaid Titanium - If you have been using Vodafone services for more than two years, you can enjoy the Prepaid Titanium option and its benefits, 2,000 MB (2 x 1000MB) and 600 minutes / national SMS (2 x 300).

Top up mobile phone now!

The bonuses are allocated to each upload and are valid for 28 days. You can benefit from this from the first 3 months of age on the Vodafone network.

To find out which loyalty group you belong to, you have three ways. Either sign in to your MyVodafone account, or call * 100 #, the "Loyalty program" branch, or * 222, the "Your credit, reload and loyalty program" branch

Apply to Vodafone card recharge services offered by and take advantage of low costs and uninterrupted availability of services. Moreover, the history of the orders placed by you remains saved, a process that will ease your next reloads. None of the services offered are subject to additional charges.

Performing a Vodafone phone recharge has never been easier and faster! Convince yourself of the efficiency of the service offered by